Client interceptor
The client interceptor designed to attach maximum of useful integration data from the gRPC client to Allure, that could be helpful to visually display possible problems that occur in tests without repeated broken or failed tests on CI. Supports unary and stream interactions. Interceptor converts and formats messages from proto to more readable json format by default.
For additional examples look at grpc-java examples
YourServiceGrpc.YourServiceBlockingStub yourServiceBlockingStub = YourServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(
ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(host, port)
.intercept(new AllureGrpcClientInterceptor())
for in-process client-server interaction
YourServiceGrpc.YourServiceBlockingStub yourServiceBlockingStub = YourServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(
.intercept(new AllureGrpcClientInterceptor())
For additional examples look at client configuration
clazz = YourServiceGrpc.YourServiceBlockingStub.class,
beanName = "yourServiceBlockingStub",
client = @GrpcClient(value = "testing", interceptors = AllureGrpcClientInterceptor.class)
public class ClientTestConfiguration {
clazz = YourServiceGrpc.YourServiceBlockingStub.class,
beanName = "yourServiceBlockingStub",
client = @GrpcClient(value = "testing")
public class ClientTestConfiguration {
GlobalClientInterceptorConfigurer globalClientInterceptorConfigurer() {
return interceptors -> interceptors.add(new AllureGrpcClientInterceptor());
clazz = YourServiceGrpc.YourServiceBlockingStub.class,
beanName = "yourServiceBlockingStub",
client = @GrpcClient(value = "testing")
public class ClientTestConfiguration {
AllureGrpcClientInterceptor allureGrpcClientInterceptor() {
return new AllureGrpcClientInterceptor();
Client bean access in tests
classes = ClientTestConfiguration.class,
properties = {
public class AttachToAllureTest {
YourServiceGrpc.YourServiceBlockingStub yourServiceBlockingStub;
Additional configuration
Interceptor converts and formats messages from proto to more readable json format by default, but if you want to display the original proto messages as string then static field provided.
public void setUpFormatter() {
//true by default
ProtoFormatter.FORMAT_PROTO_TO_JSON = false;